Urban Transportation Ideas: From Efficient to Bold – Scooter Is the New Old

I won’t argue on it: the Harley Davidson motorcycles truly are a work of art among motorcycles. Their appearance screams style and taste, and the overall construction of the machine is worth the admiration. Which is why owning a Harley Davidson is kind of a status symbol and a style mark, sort to say.

But as much as I admire the looks and performance of a Harley, I don’t have the heart to drive it around town and risk even the slightest of damage on it. It would cause me a small heart attack, literally. Which is why I stick to the good old Vespa: this scooter has a charm of its own which over the years evolved into a very chic urban mean of transport and it gets me around town without me worrying if someone accidentally is going to scratch it. It’s a small, compact motorcycle that fits literally everywhere. And yes, it has it’s own event in the US – lovers of the scooter, participated in a so called “Scooter Insanity” organized in Seattle, where people who own a Vespa got together for a ride around town in a rather large group.

Scooter Riders

For those of you who own one, but never bothered learning where does it come from, the Vespa or what we call a motorized scooter, comes from Europe, or Italy to be exact. And if you have ever been to Italy, you have probably noticed these cute motorcycles in front of almost every building, house or cafe. They have always been a very trendy mean of transportation. In the US, the Vespa got a cult status after being massively popularized by students – the main users of the scooter at that time.

So, there’s a good reason to get yours out of the garage and refresh it a little. If Americans still praise the Vespa in a rather social manner, why wouldn’t you? That doesn’t mean you should organise an event for the entire city, but just ‘revive’ the spirit of the eternal scooter by simply using it for everyday transportation this summer.

Summer refreshing of your motorcycle doesn’t have to necessarily be a daunting and expensive process. You should just buy scooter parts that are probably in the end of their lifespan to make it more functional and easy to ride, do a little polishing of the exterior and similar. You’d probably need to buy scooter parts like a new drive belt or add a few brand new clutches, depending on their condition (and trust me, it’s going to be a rusty one). Just make sure you get all you need to bring your scooter into its best shape possible. Also, do a little decorating: I changed the colour of mine – it was white and dull and now it is red and trendy. I like it better this way – it looks much more stylish and chic.

So, let’s put our cars aside this summer – it would be a shame to waste warm sunny days trapped in a car when you can get your motorcycle out of the garage and ride in style. And not just that a scooter is a fancier way of transportation, it’s more efficient and cheaper. So go on and write it down in your calendar for the following weekend: scooter refreshing!

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.