When it comes to shopping for their kids, parents put so much energy into finding what’s best for their little ones. They spend so much time choosing the perfect outfit and footwear for their little munchkins and often forget about a very important kids accessory – socks. You might be wondering what’s so important about socks. Well, plenty of things. Not only they help absorb sweat, which is the main reason for bad odors, but they also prevent shoes from chafing and causing blisters. Wearing socks also helps prevent athlete’s foot, so again, they are a very important part of every kid’s wardrobe. Although buying this kids accessory may seem like a pretty straightforward process – there are several factors to consider when choosing the best socks for your little ones.
The first step in finding the right pair of socks is finding the perfect size. If kids don’t feel comfortable in their shoes and socks, they will instantly get cranky as they won’t be able to run and walk as fast as they’d want to. Because of this, you don’t want to buy a pair of socks that are too big or too small and make your kiddo uncomfortable. When adults try a pair of socks and they don’t fit well, we will simply put on another pair. Kids don’t always vocalize these discomforts so it is up to you to ensure their socks are the right fit for them. The sock’s heel should meet the child’s heel. If the heel is underneath the foot, the socks are too small, if it’s up higher than the heel – they are too big. The material should also fit tight on the foot without bunching up anywhere around it.
Socks are one of the most commonly bought and worn types of kids accessory, but if there is one thing that differentiates quality models from poor ones, that has to be the material. The fabric that socks are made of has a huge impact on both, their durability and comfort. Durability is especially important because young kids can be a little rough on socks. Cotton is the most popular and commonly used material as it is very durable, absorbent and comfortable. On the other hand, cotton socks can be a bit bulky so they may not be the best choice when wearing a certain pair of shoes. Aside from cotton, there are acrylic fabric socks which are colorfast and lightweight but not as durable. Wool socks are another popular choice as they keep kids’ feet warm and snug but they can also be a bit irritating and itchy.
Once you have chosen the ideal size and material, the next thing to do is decide on the right type of socks for your little one.
Seasonal theme socks – Arguably, every little kid should have at least one pair of seasonal theme socks in their drawer. Adding a few pairs of Christmas socks or other themed pair to your kid’s wardrobe is an easy way to get them excited for the upcoming season. When buying themed socks, besides the print, make sure you also pay attention to the current season. For cold weather days, look for fluffy themed models that will keep your kid’s feet warm and cozy, while for spring and summertime choose lighter and cooler socks.