First-Time Dog Owners: Ideas for Dog Training

Becoming a dog owner you learn two things: every dog needs to be trained and not everyone is born a dog whisperer like Cesar Millan. Whether or not you’re a natural at training your dog basic commands isn’t the question, it’s rather the knowledge that trained dogs are easier to deal with that should motivate you, particularly in case of behavioral problems.

Time is of the essence for this, so as soon as you get your dog it’s important to start thinking of its obedience, walking on a leash, teaching it self-control, along with the necessity to exercise and socialise. It may seem difficult at first especially if you are new to this but remember a praise every now and then, more so when you notice improvement, in a combination with treats is a strategy known to work.

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Just be careful not to get the opposite effect by using this technique too much and end up spoiling your doggo instead. If you want to get the help of more efficient means after you’ve seen your dog doesn’t obey you much, consider acquiring a dog shock collar. Also known as e-collars and remote collars, they have more levels of correction, including mild, and when used with caution they aren’t dangerous to your dog.

They happen to be useful with obedience issues like excessive barking too as well as putting unwanted behaviour under control, like running away from the property, showing food aggression and aggression to other dogs, stealing food and items, and they’re great because they give a quick result though that depends on how much of a stubborn dog you have.

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It also depends on the breed and size of the dog in some cases, so if you think the dog shock collar might be an option as the last resort, then give citronella collars a try. A quick spray is all a dog may need to stop misbehaving. When it comes to potty training it’s not advisable to train dogs younger than 12 weeks since babies have a harder time holding it in and they have different food necessities.

With dogs older than that it’s good to start by setting a meal and walk routine you’d get to do every day. This way your dog would easily learn when it’s time to stop holding it in and you avoid having to clean a mess at home. If training is taking slower than expected, consider using pads and mats where the dog would be allowed to pee or poop.

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It’s important to remember it takes time, with some dogs more than others, but be it as it may use this experience to form a closer bond with your dog, otherwise you risk losing your patience and postponing the success of training.