Few Ideas To Motivate Your Child To Wear Hearing Aids

No matter how young and innocent they are, children learn new things every day. One of those things is the vital role of being assimilated and accepted in some of the groups of peers that form rather naturally, especially at a young age. Once they start to realize this, small children may begin questioning everything about them – their physical and mental abilities, their personal possessions and even their looks. Hence, wearing hearing aids is not something that children agree to do at the drop of a hat.

It is a well known fact that good parents always want the best for their children and when it comes to children with disabilities, it can become really tough to persuade them that wearing their hearing aids is really in their best interest. The last thing that a good parent should do is give up, especially before trying some of these fun methods that can raise their child’s self-esteem and help them see hearing aids in a new and far more positive light.


Introduce Hawkeye

No child can ever resist the temptation to identify with a superhero, and this is your perfect chance to be a supermom or dad for your little one and save the day! Hawkeye is in fact an avenger that is half deaf and wears a blue hearing aid under his superhero costume. This imperfect hero is a great way to get your child to understand that even the strongest can have certain weaknesses that make them special. You can buy a costume for your child and a blue hearing aid and let the fun begin! You might even end up having to persuade your child to take it off!

Get Creative

Children love colours, they get quite hypnotized by them at young age, so let your child choose a colourful hearing aid he/she will love. You can even let them put some decorations on it, such as stickers or glitter.

Famous People Factor

There are some celebrities out there who are open about their hearing disabilities and this can help you convince your child that anyone can be in need of hearing aids and that they should wear them proudly. The most important thing is to let your child know that they are not alone in this kind of situation and there are people they can look up to, especially regarding the manner in which they deal with the feelings of being different than the rest of the group.

Ask someone who knows the ropes

The best advice your child can possibly get might not come from you, but rather from a person that has already been through what he or she is experiencing at that moment. Look for groups of support that feature teenagers with hearing disabilities and if your child is a teenager, you can look for both teen and adult support groups, since a teenager would love to hear how a grownup has handled difficult situations.