Get an Idea of the Differences Between the Most Popular Leatherman Tools

If you’re a handyman, then you know just how frustrating not having the right tool for the job can be. And let’s be honest, you don’t always carry your full toolkit with you as that’s not really practical. It’s exactly in these type of situations when a multitool comes in handy. A small tool that can fit in your pocket and serve a wide range of purposes in one compact package. A good lightweight multitool can be a lifesaver in a range of situations. In the world of multitools, Leatherman is king. Wherever you search for multitools, Leatherman tools are the first ones that will pop out. Leatherman tools come in various shapes and forms and they can be used for a range of different applications, including camping, hunting, DIY-ing and some more specialized tasks. That being said, picking the right Leatherman tool for you can take some careful consideration. Here’s a rundown on the most popular Leatherman tools you’ll find online.

The Leatherman Wingman


The Leatherman Wingman is one of the most versatile multitools in Leatherman’s catalog and it’s the go-to for people doing projects around the house, at the campsite or on the job. It features 14 tools, including wire cutters, strippers, pliers, screwdrivers, a knife, a package opener, can opener, bottle opener, scissors, and a ruler. You can use all the tools with one hand, including the ones that aren’t accessible from the outside part of the tool. The blade can be locked, allowing you to cut with confidence. Thanks to its lightweight design, compact size, and removable pocket clip, the Leatherman Wingman is always just within reach and ready to deploy. Like all Leatherman tools, it comes with a lengthy warranty, ensuring many years of reliable service. The Wingman, like most other Leatherman tools, is made using 420HC stainless steel, which is very durable yet lightweight.

The Leatherman MUT EOD


This is one of Leatherman’s most underrated tools and that’s just too bad. The Leatherman MUT EOD is one of the most well-designed tools from their range, and it includes cap crimpers, fuse-wire cutters, carbon scraper, a field blade, bolt override tools, and a C4 punch. Basically, you get everything you may need for your specialized line of work. Like other Leatherman tools, the Leatherman MUT EOD is made of 420HC Stainless Steel and so is the knife that it features. The needlenose pliers are high-grade and it features military-grade spec cap crimpers. It also features a saw, a hammer, a cutting hook, a carabiner clip, an electrical crimper and much more. To top it off, the Leatherman MUT EOD is coated with black-oxide, making it ideal for areas where it’s essential to stay hidden.

The Leatherman Skeletool


The Skeletools is a well-rounded multitool that’s very lightweight and comes in one good-looking package. It’s equipped with nothing but the most essential tools, including pliers, a large exchangeable bit driver, a carabiner and bottle opener, a knife and wire cutters. Similarly to the Wingman, you can use all of the tools with one hand, and it’s equipped with a removable pocket clip so that it’s always within reach. It’s designed for daily use for both indoors and outdoors and it feels very tough. Its body is made of steel and 6061-T6 aluminum handle scales. It operates smoothly and promises reliability and the chances of any mechanical failures are really slim.

The Leatherman Wave Plus


The Leatherman Wave Plus is the most popular Leatherman multitool. It features premium replaceable wire-cutters, allowing it to tackle even the tough cutting jobs for years on end. It includes a variety of pliers, a wire stripper, a serrated and plain knife, a can and bottle opener, files, screwdrivers, spring-action scissors, and a saw. You can operate it using one hand, and it’s compact and lightweight in design. You can easily stash it in your pocket and take it everywhere you go. Like all Leatherman tools, it’s made of high-quality materials and is well polished. It comes with a reliable sheath, allowing you to safely store it anywhere you want.

Leatherman Rebar Multitool


The Rebar multitool is inspired by the original PST. It has all the features for the toughest tasks in a slimmer, smaller size, making it ideal for work around the house or at home. It’s equipped with 17 tools, including knives, screwdrivers, pliers, wire cutters, wire strippers, a file, saw, ruler, an awl and bottle and can openers. It’s lightweight, compact and has a lanyard ring, making it easily employable. It’s safe and secure thanks to the all-locking features, allowing you to work with your knife confidently. The Rebar is one of the best multitools today, and it’s fully-functional without the extra flash that most other multitools have. The knife is made with 420HC steel, making it good enough to cut almost anything.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.