Dream Drops: Ideas for Improving Your Sleep with Essential Oils

Life is busier than ever. Trying to keep up with strict deadlines, demanding projects, healthy eating, exercise and having a social life means that rarely is one able to wind down even for a tiny a bit. Our bodies and minds are in such overdrive during the day, that when it’s time to go to bed, many struggle to fall asleep. Being unable to rest during the only free time you have? This is torture.

And not getting the proper dose of Zzz’s during the night can impact your mood, ability to focus and energy levels during the day. And in turn, you become less productive and take longer to finish your tasks, which robs you from even more free time. Quite a vicious cycle, isn’t it? In an effort to break this cycle and prevent insomnia, many try calming their minds and bodies with essential oils. And according to a growing amount of research, this tactic seems to work.

sleeping woman

But why is that so? Well, our sense of smell is directly linked to the centres of emotion and memory in our brain. So, when you take a whiff of the concentrated scent of an essential oil, it also directly impacts these centres in your brain. While some essential oils are known to boost your mood or improve your focus, certain oils have been found to put people in a more relaxed, sleep-inducing state. So, if you haven’t had a good night’s rest for a long time, you will definitely benefit from knowing which essential oils help with sleep and how to use them properly.


When it comes to essential oils for sleep, lavender is definitely the most commonly used. It has a mild sedative effect that can help put you to sleep the natural way, without needing to resort to strong sleeping medication which can often leave you tired in the morning and have other unwanted side effects. Because of its sedative effects, lavender is often prescribed as a natural remedy for anxiety and is one of the most rigorously studied essential oils. Studies have shown that this oil also helps with pain relief. Lavender is also a scent that’s used in plenty of baby products. After all, infants are notoriously cranky and unable the sleep.

lavender essential oil


Which essential oils you should use is a matter of preference. If you don’t particularly like the scent of lavender, you can try other oils, like vanilla for instance. Vanilla has a sweet scent that’s appealing to many. It has similar sedative effects like lavender and it can also quiet the nervous system down and help lower blood pressure. That being said, this is a versatile oil to have in your collection even when you don’t have much trouble sleeping.


Citrus oils such as lemon and orange are known for their invigorating, energy-boosting properties, However, one citrus oil is known for the opposite effect. Bergamot essential oil is found to help lower blood pressure and help slow heart rate. As a result, a few drops of this oil can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. This makes bergamot oil a great choice to help you calm down and fall asleep faster.

Bergamot essential oil


If you scan the ingredients of some herbal sleeping products marketed for insomnia, you will probably find valerian listed on most of them. This root is especially popular as a natural sedative that can calm you down and give you the rest you need. However, most studies have found that valerian essential oil won’t make you fall asleep faster. But when you do fall asleep, valerian essential oil can help improve the overall quality of sleep. With that being said, many use this type of essential oil with other essential oils for sleep that have a more potent effect such as vanilla or lavender. If possible, purchase this as a pre-made oil blend from a specialized store. If not, be careful that you mix the oils properly as blending can be dangerous unless you do it right.

How to Use Them

In order to reap the dream-inducing benefits, you will need to know where to apply essential oils for sleep. One approach is to directly apply them on your body by massaging your forehead, neck, shoulders, wrists and other areas. This way, the oils can soak into your skin and have a more potent effect. Additionally, the essential oils can also help soothe some of your pressure points which can also contribute to better sleep. When applying essential oils on your skin, make sure that they are diluted. Undiluted oils are highly concentrated and can irritate your skin.

Another way to use a sleep-promoting essential oil is to pour a few drops on a cotton pad an leave it next to your pillow as you sleep. But this way, the scent can fade off after a while. If you want a more enduring whiff of essential oils in the air while you sleep, you can also purchase an essential oil diffuser.