What Makes Reverse Cycle Wall Air Conditioners a Great Idea

As a business owner, you should care about the well-being of your employees. You want to ensure they’re happy and feel like they own the place, not just work there. After all, it’s them who make your company as great as it is. So why not make sure their work environment is positive. And healthy too, especially during the summer.

Australian summers can be unbearable, and working in an office, building or warehouse without a proper working air conditioning can be the cause of stress and low productivity. Maintaining temperatures that are suitable for work can contribute to optimum comfort. Hence, if your office air conditioners are wearing down and need replacement, consider replacing them with a reverse cycle wall air conditioner. Here’s what you need to know before doing so.

Reverse Cycle Wall Air Conditioners

Now you may ask yourself, why a reverse cycle air conditioner? Because even though they may the more expensive purchase, they deliver the lowest operating costs, which makes them cheaper in the long run. Furthermore, every reverse cycle wall air conditioner operates quietly and offers temperature and climate control. Additionally, there are no open flames, reducing risks of damaging items or starting a fire. And lastly, they work by transferring heat, which makes them way more energy-efficient than normal electric heating, which reduces the electricity bills by a significant margin as well as help the environment.

Of course you need to consider few things to ensure optimum operation such as electrical and wall requirements for example. For safety and efficiency reasons, ensure there aren’t electrical or plumbing components behind the wall where you intend on installing the air con. You should also contact a professional to make sure the hole is cut precisely, so there’s no unwanted air flow or other outside elements impacting the room, as it can be detrimental to your employees and belongings.

Moreover, the wiring needs to have the right voltage requirements, as you might be using multiple air conditioners if the work area is too big. Additionally, you have to pay attention to the Annual Coefficient of Performance (ACOP) and Annual Energy Efficiency Ration (AEER). The ACOP rating is applicable to heating and the AEER rating to cooling. Both the ACOP and AEER are typically in the range of 2.5 to 4.5, depending on the model of the conditioner. What these numbers mean is that the output of the air conditioner is 2.5 to 4.5 times greater than the electricity input which equates to 250% to 450% efficiency.

A reverse cycle wall air conditioner can find use in many other facilities, like warehouses or office storage facilities, basically anywhere where the demand of superb climate control is high, the safety of your employees and all the documents and equipment is of great importance, and where efficiency should be at an optimum level.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.