Few Ideas on How to Find the Best Fishing Rod

Did you know that recreational fishing is a mutli-billion industry. In fact, it is estimated that over 3.5 million Aussies enjoy fishing each year. This means that over $600 million is spent on fishing gear, not including boats, accessories, etc.

Do you too enjoy fishing? Are you a professional or a newbie? If new to fishing, know that the most important thing to know is selecting the right fishing rod. Note, a fishing rod is not as easy as buying a pair of socks. There are many factors you need to take into account in order to find the most suitable rod for the type of fishing you plan to practice. The truth is, regardless of your fishing experience and and the type of rod you are looking for, one thing is certain: you shouldn’t settle for nothing less than a high-quality fishing rod.


How to Choose a Good Fishing Rod

When selecting a rod by the aesthetics, what you ought to take into account is:

  • The type and quality of the material the main parts (guides, blank and handle) of the rod are made of;
  • Construction; whether the parts of the rod fit together snugly;
  • Ergonomic features. The rod you will select must feel comfortable in your hands;
  • Type of reel that best matches the rod.

Get a Fishing Rod That Best Matches Your Purposes

The quality of the fishing rod is not the only important factor you should consider. You must make sure the rod you select, is the best tool for targeting the type of fish you plan to catch. Here are the questions you need to give an answer to, in order to determine the rod that will best match your fishing style and purpose.

  • The fishing environment. Will you be fishing in a river, lake, sea or ocean?
  • The approximate size and weight of your target fish.
  • Are you fishing by the shore or while boating?
  • What do you prefer to use: flexible or stiffer rods?


Considering the features that define the quality of the fishing rod, and keeping in mind your specific needs will best determine what you need to focus on. Determining the main features of the rod, and the type of fishing you are doing, is half the battle. And, choosing the best fishing rod is what will certainly help you enjoy your fishing and of course, it will help you ensure a good catch.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.