Giving your newborn their first bath can be a bit intimidating, especially when you are a first-time mom or dad. But don’t worry, you will become a pro in no time! With the right approach and essential accessories, you can turn a crying time into an enjoyable experience for both you and your cute bundle of joy.
Baby bath time is not only about keeping your baby clean. According to science, multisensory experiences are critical for shaping your baby’s growing brain. Bath time can prove to be an excellent time that provides opportunities for touch, sight, smell, and sound to nurture a baby’s development. A mother’s gentle and loving touch during the baby’s bath and some cuddle time afterwards support the baby’s healthy and happy development.
Some babies just love water and enjoy their baths, they might even cry when you take them out of it. Others wail during the entire time. Well, there are many possible reasons for your water woes. Your little one might be cold or hot, or she may hate getting her tiny face wet or her hair shampooed. Making sure the water temperature is just right is very important. Use a thermometer or the inside of your wrist to check the water temp. Since they are not submerged fully, you can put a washing cloth over their body to keep them warm.
Bathtime moments with your baby can be some of the sweetest memories you’ll have as a parent. A lot of babies love the feel of the warm water, practising their kicking and splashing, and having some special bonding time with you. But a water-loving baby doesn’t always happen from the get-go. Some babies take some warming up to bath time.
Handling a wiggling and wet baby is difficult, so having a reliable bathtub for newborn baby will boost your confidence. Although it is recommended that you give them a sponge bath only for the first week or two until the stump of the umbilical cord dries up and falls off, you will get to ‘real’ baths very soon. What kind of bathtub for newborn baby you need depends on your needs and space, but with the wide range of bathtub products, you will easily find one that suits you and your little one.
Looking for the shampoo mid-bath or not remembering where the towel is can make you feel frustrated. Having everything prepared before you start the bath will save you a lot of trouble. Place the towel, soap, or shampoo and washcloth next to the bathtub and have diapers, baby lotion or powder (if you need them), and clothes laid out nearby. Leaving the baby unattended while you trying to find clothes is not a good idea. Newborns might not move, but once they are a few months old they might turn and fall.
It might be a good idea to keep the first baths brief and give your baby a chance to get more comfortable, and then gradually stretch bath time to longer periods. There’s no rule on how long a bath needs to be, as long as it’s not rushed and done under pressure. Babies can feel their mother’s stress and react by crying, and stress builds up. So, take your time, keep it calm and not too noisy. New experiences and loud noises can be too much for that little brain. Talk to them in soothing tones and keep your smile on to reassure them that everything is ok. Some parents like putting on some nice calming music, or they sing to their babies.
You don’t have to make a hard-and-fast rule about when to bathe your baby. If they are fussy one night, try again the next morning. Some parents like to integrate bath time into the bedtime routine as it soothes the baby and makes falling asleep easier. But if that doesn’t work for you feel free to try a different routine. Babies don’t need baths every day, and unless they particularly enjoy it, forcing it can make them dislike it even more.
Have fun during bathtime, play with them, and introduce toys once they are old enough. Baby bath time is a wonderful time to bond with your precious one. It is so much more than getting cleaned. It’s a wonderful chance to play, learn, grow, and relax.